currently at livejournal.
For some strange reason, I can't put up the link here. So you'll just have to do it manually.
blogger boo you.
Because there's nothing to read, I am who I am, I act like who I am, and I say what I am.
I don't know how else to react to it actually.
Initially I must admit, I was irritated and very mad when I heard about what you must have thought.
But now I find it quite funny.
I don't get hung up about such small things anymore my friend.
On to bigger things in life.
Something so big, it has me totally immersed in it, totally engaged in it.
It would mean a totally new thing, a totally BIG thing...accelerating at the speed of light.
A new path, a new route.
When big things and exams loom before you, you go a little crazy.
Cuz well, I am human after all, and I do face stress.
"I have a mouse. Daniel has a cat. We can play catching!"
That, btw, was in response to Shu Yi asking for a mouse for Noel's laptop.
Peck Lian's PARAPAZZI.
Will some kind soul tell her it's paparazzi?
Just to let you know,
If you want to matchmake someone, the perfect person to ask is the security guard, according to the pecktheory of marriage.
"So uncle ah, ask you ah, you think our miss parapazzi peck should get married now ah?"
Oh my......the parapazzi-ness of it all.
" should go study now....get some rest......."
Oh, the inner voice calls.
But you don't mean anything to them.
Doing what we do best.
But sometimes, doing all these things makes us a tad too comfortable.
We remain in our comfort zone.
Unwilling to get up and get out.
Sometimes, we do the wrong things so often, that we get a little sick and tired of it.
So we end up in a vicious downward cycle.
Going down and down and down and down...
Till we land with a huge 'thump!'
And we tell ourselves, 'There's no point. Let's just stay here. I'm comfortable here.'
So in doing so, we lost the energy to fight back.
We gave up the spirit that used to be inside us, screaming, 'Get up and do something about it!'
We ignore it often enough, till that spirit gets a little tired of screaming.
And we go a little deaf to it's screaming.
So what happens next?
You're not a bad Christian.
You still go to church every week.
In fact, you still go to church many times a week.
You're involved in some ministries.
But you see that most of your friends have risen up...gone on to do bigger things.
And you feel a little, well, wishing that you were like them too.
Sounds familiar?
Everyone of us has gone through that, some point of our lives.
But the key is not to stay too happy in your comfort zone.
Learn to get up and get out.
If you want to move ahead, you gotta stop ignoring that voice inside of you..start listening to it.
Make a decision to do something about it, and keep to that decision.
Things don't happen immediately, but you just gotta keep on keeping on.
You will get there...
If you want to.
Hope this has ministered to some people. :)
After much struggling..
Here we go again.
You may have nothing to do in your life, but I do.