i can't wait for pw to be over. off to cell..hopefully i'll feel betta. This is the third time I’m blogging by the way..
= church!!!!
= eating!!!
= all my friends!!
= council!!!
= shopping!!!!
15 years ago i... ::
= walking around.
= ate anything my mum fed me.
= busy being cuddled by my (dad's side) gramps.
= totally quiet and anti-social (yeah...at the age of 2....)
10 years ago i... ::
= played with power rangers.
= hated barbie.
= was a total tomboy.
= was still anti-social and avoidant.
= went to SAC pri.
= loved my old school at middle road.
= stayed at my (mum's side) gran's house.
= loved going up to the old chapel in school.
= went to my neighbour's house almost everyday to play.
= had wrestling matches with my bro.
= loved to read.
= was a pretty smart kid.
5 Years Ago i... ::
= was sent out of class almost everyday.
= loved catching spiders and toads and tadpoles and anything i could lay my grubby fingers on.
= was still a tomboy.
= loved my class, 6 Carnation.
= best friends were julie, lyanna, lin zi, jennifer, tian ying n tian yu.
= sharpened my tongue.
= always got into trouble.
= always got sent down to my auntie's office (she was the principal..)
= didn't study at all.
= took my PSLE.
= didn't do well cuz i didn't study.
= cried like mad cuz i had to leave school.
= felt really stupid cuz i was moving over to SACSS (whose building was joined to ours..)
= went to kuching with my whole level!!!!
3 Years Ago i... ::
= ooh...this is my rebel age..
= was a total rebel.
= still liked su wei a hell lot. ( i was blind).
= that was the first person i ever liked, come to think of it!
= got sent to RTC (responsible thinking classroom....phoooey!!) everyday.
= was in pastoral care council.
= was in chinese orchestra (co)..yeah yeah shuddup.
= played the flute.
= best friends were sze ling, chippy, marli, alissa, julie, aisha and the gang (sze chi, ash, binx, gina, li juan, huda, and sau mun), jeanette, council!!! hailing, jasmine, eileen, sharon, teresa, felicia etc.
= was in the baggy jeans, trail slippers era. how embarrassing.
= was every teacher's worst nightmare.
= got suspended.
= wanted to quit council.
= given a second chance in council.
= still rude to teachers.
= loved yelling at them and winning (esp if they spoke chinese).
= was sent to ms chua's (vice principal) office almost everyday.
= came home at ungodly hours.
= totally act cool.
= messed up life.
= slept through all my lessons.
= sucked at studies.
= worked at east coast. first time experience!!
= began to turn over a new leaf cuz of council.
= loved council.
= realised that shujing was coming to school to teach.
2 Years Ago i... ::
= dedicated my life to council and co.
= best friends were julie, crystal, dyan, joyce, leah, gina, marli, jeanette, chips, nat (can't rem the rest...)
= was in the 37 degrees (shakes head at jia yan) op and flash n splash era.
= fell in love (for the first time in my life) with shujing.
= got close to S.
= had the coolest math tutor ever.
= finally could do maths.
= loved my class sec 3/5
= still slept through all my classes.
= still rude to teachers.
= still loved arguing with them (and winning)...ultimate kick i tell ya.
= my uncle (dad's side) and grandad (mum's side) passed away.
= fell out with shujing.
= self mutilated.
= fell out with eileen.
= became sectional leader of co and head of council.
= was in exco.
= hated my council teacher in charge, mrs koh.
= loved ms wee, ms juliana (MJ!!!) and ms tay.
= loved school.
= became a workaholic.
= super stressed.
= super depressed.
= did lotsa stupid things.
= regained my smartness. haha!
= started to have some fashion sense.
= worked at blue lobster.
= loved everyone there!!
= loved skirts and dresses and make up and all those girly things!
1 Year Ago i... ::
= was busy with council and co (SYF!!!)
= best friends were julie, crystal, marli, gina, dyan, denise, joyce, nat, wendy, siew yuan, chips, mj, grace etc.
= loved shopping.
= loved council and co.
= loved all those co pracs where i'll torture my juniors.
= loved council meetings where i also tortured my juniors.
= loved my class 4/5!!!
= still slept through all my classes and got away with it.
= got away with murder.
= had a hot physics tutor.
= still loved shujing.
= sank into clinical depression.
= still self mutilating.
= totally stressed beyond stress.
= hit by my boss's sudden suicide.
= studying real hard for Os.
= loved lit, history, eng, maths and bio! (i sucked at bio tho).
= new found interest in politics.
= loved history and ss classes where i'd have convos with mdm chan abt politics while the rest of the class slept.
= got the class super amused by the way i'd fall asleep.
= still loved scolding teachers.
= loved mdm chan and ms chua.
= loved blk 85.
= loved school even more.
= su wei came to school to teach. == had loads of issues to settle.
= almost committed suicide.
= spent everyday after school studying.
= took O levels.
= didn't do as well as i should have cuz i messed up on the day itself.
= shopped somemore.
= forced myself outta depression.
= cut my hair real short.
= dyed my hair red. red streaks.
= worked at VP7.
= got to know people like pei shi, melody and shuxian.
This Year i... ::
= was still working at VP7.
= learnt to smoke.
= learnt to handle beer.
= got a tattoo.
= got over shujing.
= bought loads and loads of stuff.
= dyed my hair brown with red streaks.
= made loads of friends through my sales job.
= loved working in the sales line (where else ya gonna get those hot discounts?)
= got my O level results back.
= dyed my hair light brown for school.
= got caught on the first day of school (oh well.....)
= hated orientation.
= spent most of orientation in the GO with madam and julie and some other people counting donation draw tickets.
= joined college publications.
= ran for council.
= known for my cardboard tags that said VOTE FOR LIANE CANDIDATE NO. 8!, my red specs and my short short short hair.
= my hair turned back to red cuz i bleached it. hehs. ooops.
= cleared most misconceptions that i'm a bung. i'm not damnit. how else do u explain the make up, skirts and dresses.
= got to know him through choir and band concerts and council.
= fell in love with him. first guy to capture my heart.
= got into council.
= hated ms yong. (hey, she didn't like me either k..)
= crazy over ms ee! hahaha!!
= loved history classes with pang.
= still fell asleep in all my classes.
= hated council training camp.
= got closer to aloy, dan, kuok, ling, val n lyn.
= found my no. 1 best friend of all time, dan, the only one who could understand this idiotically complicated girl (me lah).
= got closer to ms ee, who became my no. 1 confidante.
= loved ltc.
= loved council. still do.
= in charge of ndp.
= worked with jia yan n started to get close to her!!!
= super tiring.
= went to city harvest church after being dragged to church by dan and heart of God by ks.
= stunned by mr quah's death.
= stopped hating ms yong.
= loved my class. still do!
= loved everyone in council, jia yan, fei, kha, ks, kumar, stuck, nat, mariam, sushi, fifi, bimbo, sufi, halim, wanling, jay, qd, zh. still do!!!
= got closer to everyone through all our stupid events and shit and zhamming sessions.
= loved ms yong!!!!! still do!!! haha!!
= realised that ms yong ain't that tight pants....quite unconventional actually.
= got real close to my classmates.
= best friends are dan, julie, liz, ruffles, jia yan, kha, ks, fei, kuok, aloy, roy, the whole council, my class of A202 heart of God church members etc etc etc.
= went to heart of God.
= had lots of issues to settle. only ms ee knows everything.
= got much closer to ms yong.
= cried my eyes out for the first time in a long time.
= truly found God and i love Him with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind!
= got over him.
= settled my issues.
= dedicated my life to God.
= lost my bag and handphone and everything inside damnit.
Yesterday i... ::
= went to school.
= met ms ee on the bus. caught up a lil with her.
= got biangded by the world.
= went to eat at Thai Express with fifi and kur.
= went shopping with fifi, kur, ms yong, sushi, jia yan, fei, mr max cheong (ran into him along the way), mar and nat.
= went to meet johnathan (some guy working with us for prom) with fifi, kur, jia yan and fei.
= went home.
Today i... ::
= slept.
= ate.
= slept.
= watched tv.
= blogged.
= abt to cook.
5 Games/sports I Like ::
= er. i have a permanent mc for a good reason..
= shopping. yes its a sport.
= pool.
= swimming?
= council. that's a sport too. anything that tires you is a sport.
= i don't play games...i used to like tekken 2 n 3?
5 Things I'd do With $1000 ::
= oooh!!!! shop!!!!! like mad!!! shop till i'm broke!!
= buy everyone christmas prezzies!!!
= go on a holiday.
= get a new phone damnit.
= hey 1000 ain't alot...
3 Bad Habits I Have ::
= doing everything myself.
= not sharing my problems till i solved it.
= i'm always late!! ooops.
5 TV Shows I Like ::
= i don't watch TV...but heck i'll try.
= alias.
= charmed.
= singapore idol. pretty hilarious. loved olinda. now its the battle of the ah lians and the minahs.
= er. really. can't think of anymore.
5 Places I've stayed at ::
= my gran's place at upper pickering street.
= my old house at tampines.
= my auntie's old mansionette at tamp.
= a rented apartment at tamp.
= my auntie's house at bedok ria crescent.
= my new house in pasir ris.
= i know this exceeded 5 but heck.
My Top 5 Biggest Worries at the Moment ::
= my friends.
= my studies.
= my relationship with God.
= my money issues.
= my dinner.
5 Favorite Movies ::
= coyote ugly.
= finding nemo.
= spiderman 1n2.
= harry potter 1,2,3
= a walk to remember.
5 Things You Spend Most Money On ::
= food.
= clothes.
= useless stuff.
= er. food?
= still food.
5 Favorite Words/Phrase ::
= that bloody shit head.
= shit.
= anal.
= like a mad cow.
= bloody piece of shit.
5 Favorite Things ::
= my phone.
= tiggery D
= my blog.
= council room?
= my wardrobe.
5 Books I Like ::
= harry potter.
= a walk to remember.
= nicolo machiavelli's the prince...haven't read it but i know i'll like it. haha!
= seventeen by mr colin cheong. it ain't that good but i cried buckets. so what the hell.
= the rescuer.
= hey i don't read often okay.
5 Foods I Dislike/Hate ::
= mint.
= weird looking veggies like brinjol.
= weird meats.
= er. i ain't that fussy ya know.
5 Favorite Kids' Names ::
= jared
= sarah
= nikki
= matthew
= melanie
wow. that was long. haha. brought back lots of memories...haha.
i miss sac. i miss all my friends. i miss everything!! *cries*
what a sob story. anyways. i'm done here. toodles!
*food here i come*
ruffles' blog prompted me to write this. haha. check his out if ya will.
okay. we now have a God who is, according to Christians, all-powerful, all-perfect and completely benovelent, and Luciferians who believe otherwise. in this argument, i will combine both philosophical and Christian points of views.
one of the accusations here is that God is responsible for the mass genocide of Noah's time (this apparently, is one of the incidents). however, holding true the point that God is a perfect being, and also the Creator of the universe, He holds the right to take away the lives that He Himself created. can He then, be held accontable for taking away something He has created? parallel this to a writer who decides to destroy one of his works. he is then accountable to no one but himself, am i right?
in addition, i would assume that the common question ('if God was so good, why is there such suffering on this earth? why are diseases, sins and death rampant then?') contrary to popular belief, God is not the God of this earth (for those who have read one of my previous entries, please bear with me). when God created the earth, the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep (Genesis 1:1-2). according to the Gap Theory (theory meaning that it has not been proven), between this verse and the next, when God introduced light, there was a Heavenly War. Lucifer, the angel of music and entertainment, rebelled against God and 1/3 of the angels fell with him. (frjom this point, it is no longer a theory). at that point, Lucifer (more commonly known as Satan or the Devil), became the god of this earth. the sufferings humans bear with in this lifetime are all a result of the Devil's work. when Christ was born, Lucifer assumed that God had come to claim back this earth. God did not come for the earth, however, He came back for our hearts. that is why Christ died for us, to wash away all our sins so that we can join our Heavenly Father. We could not draw closer to Him before, as He is too holy for our presence, but now that He has given His Son to us, and created a new covenant signified by the sacrifice of Christ's blood, we can.
in the Luciferian's point of view, they have omitted the notion that God is Holy and perfect in all ways, a point which is carried through throughout this argument, on the other hand.
i would continue, but i admit that there are certain points which i need to refer to the bible in order to slam, so i can't do that as of now. feel free to question my points, i'm sure i can provide a substantial argument. and i'm hungry. haha.
another time perhaps? lets continue this when i next see ya.
i'm in a super weird mood today. its prob due to all this christmas festivity. don't get me wrong. i love christmas. its better than birthdays (and its not cuz i get more presents..cuz i don't). all the christmas lights, shaking trees along heeren *sniggers* and pitiful, brightly adorned outdoor sales people and big SALE! signs just bring out the whole festive mood.
really. i'm not being sarcastic.
its just that sometimes i
ah. never mind. doesn't matter. i'm just being stupid.
i need to shop.
merry christmas.
i want to snuggle up in your arms on the couch in front of the tv, but not really watching.
i want to open the doors and see you greet me with that big grin of yours, trying to hide that bouquet of tulips behind you.
i want to raid your kitchen and whip up a gorgeous meal, just for the two of us.
i want to hold your hand in church, lifting them up to the Lord as He watches us serve His people.
i want to be there for you when all your manliness fades away, to see you cry and assure you of my love.
i want to wake up each morning and know that you're the one i want to be with for the rest of my life.
i want you to be there when my fortress disintegrates, comforting me that things will be okay with you around.
i want to slip in post its in your books, telling you i love you.
i want to put together a jigsaw puzzle for you, leaving you to fit in the last piece, which would make everything perfect.
i want to bring you a cup of hot tea when your nose goes all woozy, and tuck you safely in bed.
i want to hear you sing by my bedside when i'm not feeling well too.
i want to see you do all the silly things some guys do, like dropping off my favourite candies just before i start my day.
i want us to sit back to back, alone in some quiet place, and talk about anything and everything till the dawn breaks.
haha..pardon the hopeless romantic won't ya? the list could go on and on and on......don't know what made me write all this!! haha...oh wells. guess i was bored. no, i'm not referring to anyone in particular here...just in case you're wondering. =D
anyone ever wondered, what our existence means? what we're here to do? what would become of us after death? cliched questions no less, but seriously, ever wondered?
i don't understand how some people can continue in their existence without these questions in mind. i'm not trying to persecute them or anything, don't get offended. haha. so many people go about in their daily lives, doing the things they do best, but not really understanding why. how can anyone think that there isn't something else out there? we don't have emotions for no reason you know. yeah, scientists can come up with all the cynical (sorry, SCIENTIFIC i mean) reasons why, but i think that's all crap. we have souls. where do we go when we finally go? ever thought about that?
everything we hold dear in this lifetime are but material. hard as it may to discard them, i would want to give it a shot. we go everywhere in search of love, not knowing that the greatest love of all is right there, staring at us. we search for the truth, unknowingly shoving aside that ONE PERSON who IS the truth. we look for our purpose in life, deaf to the commands that have been laid down in front of us.
"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:25-26
yes, i believe, with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my spirit. this is what i live for. i live to love Him, to obey His commands, to carry out His work. some become Christians for the benefits of it, but let me tell you this: christianity is not all about benefits. we never promised happiness. we promised holiness, which would bring you happiness. it is not a bed of roses, we will have to bear the persecution in time to come. we have to continue His work despite the pain ahead. only then, can we join the Father in His kingdom.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6
and why do i dedicate my life to Him? i have forsaken Him millions of times. i slammed the door in His face when He died for me. yet He waited patiently outside for me, hoping i'll come back to Him. i was a sinner. no one is perfect, but that does not justify our sins. we are all sinners. i can't describe how sinful i feel at almost all the services i attend during church, knowing full well all the things i've ever done. the uncleanliness couldn't seem to go away. but you know what? someone died for my sins. someone died for me, for all of us. that someone is Jesus. i'm dedicating my life to the one person who loved me so much, He was crucified for my sake. i'm living for the Father who watched His Son die on the cross so that we could come closer to Him. imagine, the silence in heaven as He and the angels watched Jesus die, not being able to do anything as it was part of the Father's plans, to draw us closer to Him. isn't that amazing? and now for the most famous verse in the bible.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
some wonder, if God loved the world so much, why is there so much suffering? contrary to popular belief, God is not the God of this world. lucifer (satan) is. (i can't find the verse for this...oops. i know its somewhere around). in the heavenly war before there was light, lucifer rebelled against God, and 1/3 of the angels fell with him. he became the prince of this earth, where sin is rampant. God has come not for the earth, but for our hearts. we need to tear ourselves away from worldliness, and concentrate on holiness to be with the Father. God did not curse us with suffering, but promised us eternal life.
to dead christians. you claim to believe in Him and His word, but do you do His work for Him? why indulge in worldly desires when there's a greater purpose for you to serve? you know how much He loves you, and the power of the Holy Spirit, but yet you cast all these aside for something so superficial and material. seek Him once more, and work for our Creator, the only thing we should love and hold on to for dear life.
i learnt all this in the past three days of vacation bible school. haha, ain't so knowledgeable you know. i'm so enlightened and compelled to share this message, so that more may join His kingdom. it is up to you to believe. i believe, and i'm going all out for Him.
so many things have been happening recently, from ogl camp till today, and even the events which happened before. lets start from the ogl camp.
ogl camp was (how do i put this in words..) a learning point for most of us, or at least for myself, i would say. being in charge of sargas, along with everdearest kurseth, i've learnt so much more about the people we'll be working with, and i can say i'm thoroughly impressed. of course, certain issues still need to be addressed, and many still need to learn about one another, and trust, but nevertheless, they did what they had to do and pulled through this camp. for that, i take my hats of all of them.
you may be wondering what these 'certain issues' are. i don't think i need to blast it out here on the net, its just about us, the sargas people, learning how to accept one another for who they are. kusrseth and i spoke to them today, for a short 45 mins, about this, stressing the importance of unity and teamwork. i doubt that all of them actually listened (saw a lot of stoned faces), but i think the people whom we addressed, the people we needed to impact, were addressed and impacted. with this group of sargas people, i'm super sure we're gonna be one of the best houses, not in ranking, but in spirit. and that's what's important.
the one thing that really gave me a huge slap in the face was yesterday's meeting, from 11-8. yes. 11 am to 8pm. and i was here from 8am to clean up the freaking council room. halim's briefing took eons (we thought it'd never end). it was the thrashing session after the TAs left which left us all pondering on our actions over the past few months. a lot of tears, a lot of anger, a lot of emotions running amok. we started off thrashing a few people, letting out the 'fireworks'. finally, we could throw everything out and trust in each other. all of us have made mistakes somehow or other, and we needed that time to point them all out and apologise for them. finally, we could understand the term 'transparency'. lots of tears; don't know why it took us so long to realise that some of us will be leaving, for J1 or for poly. the 18 we once were can never be the same again; that was what hit me right smack in the face yesterday. no matter how much we try and say that we will always be 18, its not the same anymore, and only yesterday did we realise it. the one thing that would never change? our everlasting love!!! haha..
we've grown so much, all of us, i'm so so so thoroughly impressed by all of us, by how much we've learnt from one another. its so amazing, i can't put it into words. i think what happened yesterday will always stay in our memories. i don't wanna mention names, i don't wanna say what exactly happened, those are better left for hearts to keep close.
the 2nd students' council. the greatest that would ever live. all 18 of us.
the one thing i'll never regret joining.
thanks guys. for everything.
anyways.....i can't wait for camp! woohoo!!! yay!! wow whee! i love camps!!! i can't wait!!!! yay!!!
i think i'm weird. been thinking too much nowadays. could be the effect of the song (never be replaced). *hums* baby i love you and i'll never let you go..... hahahahahaha! yay yay yay yay yay!!!!!!!!!
okay. i think i need to calm down. like calm down.
oooohhh!!! halim just msged me and told me i could take over one of the games ics tmr!!! yay!!! how fun!!!!!!
ooh i can't wait!! think i should stop now!!! yay!!!!
see ya in a few days!!! ciao!!!
Baby I love you and I’ll never let you
And if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we made can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I’ll never let you
And if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we made can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
I love you
Yes I do
I’ll be with you as long as you want me to
Until (until) the end (the end) of time (of time)
From the day I met you I knew we'd be together
And now I know I wanna be with you forever
I wanna marry you and I wanna have your kids
Thinking never compared to the feeling of your kisses
I can say I’m truly happy to this day
You made think I died, I live my life everyday
There’s never been a doubt in my mind
That I regret ever having you by my side
But if the day comes that I have to let you go
I think there’s something I should probably let you know
That everyday that I spend with you
And I won’t miss you ‘cause I’m happy that I had you at all
Baby I love you and I’ll never let you
And if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we made can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I’ll never let you
And if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we made can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
You will never be replaced
I feel for you yes I do
Be with you as long as you want me too
Until the end of time
yups. found this song on jia yan's blog....go hear.
think you should know what i'm thinking of right now.
was thinking about Him during service(s) today..made me realise how much He's done for me. He sent His only son to die for me, and when i slammed the door in His face, He waited outside for me and even begged me to return to Him. how amazing is that. i couldn't describe how horrible i felt when it fully hit me on sunday.
i'm going on Dedication 100% (haha tt's my name for it...lame i know). i wanna dedicate everything to Him. everything i have, everything i do, everything i want. from now on, i will emulate the Christian lifestyle. first step, i'll stop using vulgarities. yes...hard but i'll do it!! hahahahaha! gone are the days of the poisoned tongued liane. mahahahaha.
okay i'll need lots of help. bleahs.
i love You, Lord.
students blame the admin, the SC, the teachers and everyone else around them when what they want isn't fulfilled. they refuse to look at both sides of the story before coming to a balanced conclusion, choosing instead to pinpoint cuz its so much easier. look at the incident with the stolen bags. immediately fingers were pointed at the admin, when the possiblity of students stealing it is so high? hello? the admin's fault that students can't think maturely enough? the teachers' fault that students have no morals? definitely the admin's fault that bags weren't taken care of, but they trusted that JC students would be mature and ethical enough not to steal; obviously they were proven wrong. you say the admin aren't responsible enough to report the missing items for the students, but they've already explained that the police refuse these kinds of reports. then someone claims that an officer says the school should have done it. so, is it the admin's fault that there is a breakdown of communication?
take the bash to be another example. students pestered and pestered us to hold a bash, and raised the idea during the students' dialogue session in LT5. the SC fought for the event to be carried through, despite objections from the TAs as we already have OGL camp, graduation and orientations 1 n 2 on our hands. when we finally got our proposal approved, and presented it to the students, we not only are rejected but insulted for our efforts. hello?! what the hell is your problem? some asshole commented that we gave NOTHING, only took up their lunch time. did you even bother to listen to me make the announcment? did the CG reps even bother handing in the no. of people interested in going? i'm only asking for 5 minutes, only asking for you to drop a friggin NUMBER down at the council room. is it that hard?! (sorry to the CG reps who did bother, this isn't aimed at you). don't you dare come and tell me we gave crap.
another thing. everyone's so pissed off at MJC for being a no-life, stalinistic dictatorship. but everyone's just sitting around waiting for things to happen? all you know how to do is sit there and complain, thrashing out and insulting people who do try to make changes for the better. when we do give you something you ask for, you spit it back at us and say its not good enough. can i ask what's the point? stalinistic dictatorship, but are we suffering? no! the number of students being kicked out has dropped drastically from last year, and even students who are supposed to retain have been advanced. you claim that this school gives you no room to voice out suggestions. take a look at the last time we allowed you to. childish, immature comments, if there were any at all. so when we give you an avenue to lament and complain and make constructive comments, this is how you abuse it. some aren't even interested in commenting, they just want to slam us for everything wrong that we do and overlook the good. its a source of their entertainment. they'll say, 'MJC sucks lah, bloody dictatorship, no life school.' and when someone asks, 'so what do you want to do about it?', they'll say 'huh..nothing lor. like i care.' disgusting, childish, immature, insensitive, ignorant and stupid behaviour.
feedback works two ways. it has to be voiced out first, then received. if we present your feedback to the admin, we expect you to receive our changes. if you refuse to coorperate, how can things change for the better? its like someone spoonfeeding you, and you spitting out the food. we're not gonna beg you to eat. we have our dignity.
if you don't want to take our changes, fine. if you don't want to coorperate, fine. i have nothing to say, nor can we force you to. but don't you dare insult us for it when you're not doing anything for MJC. don't you dare sit around and watch others slog while you fire your insults. you have forfeited that right.
i'm not even pissed at the whole situation anymore. i'm just resigned to the fact that i've been sorely disillusioned; to think that all the shit we take was worth it cuz its for the greater benefit of the students. i truly believed in that. now, i'm not going to bother working for a bunch of people who are behaving so childishly. its not worth my time.
to all those who supported us, and those who do have a right to criticise us, i offer you my apologies. this entry isn't meant for you.
okay. pw is finally over! op was okay..crapped our way through as usual.
last nights' cell group meeting was really powerful. we prayed over each other, had revelations and gifts. too immense to elaborate..but it was so amazing. His love overrides all others!
died in the council room today..was so tired and there was still so much to do. found out that technoboi has been stepping on everyone's nerves again...he so doesn't get it...what a thick head. went off with fei and kha..while walking down e sprial stairs sth really embarrassing happened..haha!there was this female teacher staring out from the C block classrooms during the A level maths paper, staring directly at me, and i thought she was ms ee and waved (think big, enthusiastic, happy waves). the next thing i know, when i got to the first floor, ms ee emerges from the general office! so who was tt idiot i was waving to??? hahaha..oh man!
had a pretty interesting train ride with ms ee, fei n kha..haha! dissing technoboi all the way i tell you...heh heh. physically (great violent slaps) and verbally (yeah i don't think i need to elaborate) abused by ms ee. and no....my bear hugs (victims include ms ng, madam ms ee and especially ms yong!!!) are not considered physical abuse. heh heh. its a public display of affection =D
oh yes. there was this little girl on the train who was kissing the freaking pole! oh my goodness...and the next thing u know, she starts pole dancing around her mother! hahaha!! i wonder where in the world she learnt all that from man! haha! fei and i couldn't control our laughter!!! haha!!
was damn fun shopping around in town today! so many pretty pretty things!! haha!! jia yan, fei n i are gonna get white converse shoes and design them ourselves! and we saw some really cool beads we could throw in as well! yay!! hahaha! i love shopping!!
oh i just remembered. i'm supposed to make the announcement for the bash first thing tmr...after maths lecture that is. oh man. ms yong, mrs crossley and i are all hanging on the line now..cuz ms lai doesn't know anything about it yet! *prays hard* please let it come through...
okay i think i'm done for today! yay! gotta go sleep now! i'm really tired! haha! see ya!
sigh. just deleted my previous entry. wasn't too nice.
i'm pissed. i'm pissed cuz no one told me that there was a pw meeting today. couldn't you ask for my home telly? or couldn't someone with my home tel call me? and please don't tell me you don't know anyone with my home phone no. plus, i've been online the past few days, why didn't anyone inform me? i wouldn't be so friggin cheesed off if i didn't find out abt the 11o'clock meeting at 10.20.
i don't even wanna mention the issue with my lost bag where i suddenly found myself standing alone.
and there's my mum and her anal tendencies. i'm sick and tired of living under the same roof as that unreasonable *#$!%!. i'm sorry if i contaminated your floor, i'm sorry you had to walk an extra 5 steps to get my clothes so i won't contaminate your floor and i'm sorry if i contaminated your life. its your own damn fault we can't even qualify as a family, you know that? you wonder why we're never home, that's because ten minutes alone in the house with you is enough to drive anyone up the wall. oh wait. i'm sorry if i contaminated your wall again. don't you dare claim that i only talk to you when i need money, cuz when i do talk to you about other things, you always turn it into another yelling match. i'm sick of it.
man utd vs man city was a 0-0. thank goodness i fell asleep halfway..didn't have to put up with their abysmal performance in the absence of boy wonder wayne rooney.
every sunday service at heart of God church. the prozac which keeps me sane. woohoo! don't know what i'd do without it..
service was fantastic as usual. brought jia yan (castor!) in today too! both of us were on super high i tell you! i think she was high on ms yong tho..hmm. one way!!!!! woohoo!
went to get my sim card today..i tell you, my parents can be super ANAL. actually, it was just my mum. grr. shan't go into detail. but she drives me mad. and we're both too stubborn and hot-tempered. that's why i want to move out. geesh. got my sim card replacement already..so i'm now contactable! yay! its not activated yet tho..i swear, if it still isn't tmr..i'm gonna set that starhub doggy on them. *barks threateningly* 3 days without a phone is no joke okay.
bush won kerry. it was quite expected i must say..yeah i was supporting kerry and all, but i suspect that he might not be entrirely sure of what he's doing at times, you know what i mean? bush ain't great, but at least his aides are. bleah. another what, 6 years of that great goof? God bless us all.
off to watch man utd vs man city now..will be back with news! =)
'Delete folder: mr fish?'
I vaguely remember staring at the screen, while the lights slowly faded out. For a long time, my thumb was hard pressed against the 'ok' button. Then I loosened my grip on the key pad.
I couldn’t do it. The consequences of deleting the folder? Well, I would have lost my only pillar of support, the one thing that pulls me through all those days I never thought I’d be able to pull through. A collection of memories archived into that tiny folder. It was the one thing I held on to for dear life (and the tigger which hung from it..hehs).
Ah yes. The memories. The days when mr fish still lived. Was it real? Or had it always been a mirage? Was it just me trying to catch a passing cloud, with hands frantically swiping into thin air?
It couldn’t be a mirage. It had to be real. Those days, the days which lived, they couldn’t be a dream. No dream could be that bittersweet. It lived, indeed it did. But it’s gone now. Everything. I guess I never really managed to grasp that fact.
The little girl’s gotta stand up again. Throw away the mask and dry her tears. Maybe even allow a little smile to crease her face; something which couldn’t happen in a long, long time.
Jehovah, is the Your way of helping me press the 'ok' button? AreYou trying to test if my love for You will outweigh all others? It does, Lord, it does. I love You more than life, more than its beauties.
More than him, even. I will let go, Lord, if You want me to.
Yes Lord, I guess that 'ok' button has finally been clicked.
[My bag was stolen today, along with 8 others, containing my bible, my notebook, keys, wallet, IC, 15 bucks, headset, ks’s book and other stuff. And of course, my handphone. Sigh.]
p.s. thanks to jun wen, hana and khariah [for helping me scour the school], dee, maril, dan, pc & ms ee [for being around]!
*****Stuff about me*****
1. Starting Time: 11.54p.m.
2. Name: Liane aka Jinx (don't ask me why)
3. Best Friend(s): sigh. i hate this section. i'm leaving it blank. everyone's a good friend.
4. Good Friend(s): dan! marli! julie! ruffles! maril! kha! ks! joel! kuok! aloy! roy! fei! jia yan! liz! A202! council! heart of god! did i miss anyone..
5. lamest Friend(s): aloy, kumar,dan. drives me mad!
6. Smartest Friend: eh..joel?
7. Dumbest Friend: sam can get quite bimbotic..i'm only saying this cuz i know she don't read blogs..haha
8. Shyest Friend: er...haven't met one yet..
9. Most boring person: haha..nah i ain't tt mean..
10. Who Do u Get Advice From: God and ms ee usually. e rest....jus see who's online i guess.
11. Height: 164cm
12. DOB: 26 august
13. Righty / Lefty: righty!
14. Eye color: black, jus black. damn.
15. Shoe Size: 8-9...godzilla i tell u.
16. Shoe Brand: adidas. adidas all the way!
17. Do u Crack any Body Parts: knuckles. all the time.
19. Family members: er. father mother gran and two monsters.
20. Email Add:are u mad.
21. Boy Friend/Girl Friend: how about both? haha..
22. Crush: tonnes. haha. like ruffles said..i've a whole box of eye candies.
23. Liked a Teacher: er. do jason teo ms yong ms ng ms wong n all e other hot teachers count? haha..sorry. a bit incoherent already.
24. Killed Someone: many times. enjoyable..would lk to try it again.
25. Ever laughed so hard you've peed in yourpants: not everyone's like u my darling.
26. Ate a Tub of Ice Cream: duh. we have monthly cycles u know.
27. Ran Into a Glass Door: embarrassing i tell u...
29. Gone Skinny Dipping: nah..not so free.
30. Gotten hit/nearly hit by a car: i wish..prob be headed to a betta place..
31. Ran into a parked car: you'd be surprised what i run into..
*****Girls Fill Out About Guys*****
35. Boxers or Briefs: boxers. haha..they can look damn hot.
36. Tall or Short: sigh. as much as i would love to say tall..the unfortunate usually occurs.
37. Does size matter: yea. the fella betta be bigger sized.
38. Six-pak or Muscular Arm:i take e pac.
39. Body or Personality: haha..personality..usually hotter.
40. Ear Pierced or Not : depends on whether or not he can carry it off?
41. Sporty or Outdoorsy: sporty..woohoo!
42. Good Guy or Bad Guy: i usually go for e good boys..ironically.
43. Light Hair/ Dark Hair: dark!
*****Guys Fill Out on girls*****
hey..i wanna do!
47. g or hipster undies?:g. personal favourite too. hehs. oops..did i jus reveal this on e www???
48. Tall or Short: tall. dig e damn legs. haha.
49. Long Hair or Short: eh..depends? short = sexy, long = sweet
50.Dark or Light Eyes: light.
51. Light/Dark Hair: light.
52. Body or Personality: def personality still..although i think girls with toned legs are hot!
53. Ears Pierced or Not: why not..
55. Good Girl/Bad Girl: heh. like i said..good..ironically.
56. Hair Up or Down:down. sexier.hahaha...
57. Sporty or Classy: classy
58. Chicken or Not Afraid: not. i totally dig e feminist!
*****Which One is Better*****
59. Coke or pepsi: coke.
60. K.F.C or Mcdonalds: macs
63. eastside or westside: east..lived there all my damn life.
64.vanilla or chocolate: ooooh me love chocolates..
65. Cake or Cookies: cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
66. Purple striped Lime socks or white socks: purple striped lime socks !!! hahaha..
67. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset..then the stars come out.
68. Day or Night: angel of the night.
69.Lights on or off: on..heh. i sleep with the lights on.
70. Summer or Winter: winter. cold and furious.
*****Your favorite*****
71. Food: i recently go for thai..haha..
73. Holiday: ooh in london or france!
74. radio Station: perfect 10 or gold..gold has great songs!
75. Place: in america or london i hope...sigh....
***** In The Future*****
76. Will you believe in God: i will and still do.
77. What you want to be when you grow up: a preacher, teacher and politican. haha....
*****Random Questions*****
78. Define Love: God's greatest creation.
79. Where Were You Born: mount alvernia hospital
80. Favorite Place To Be Kiss?: er. never experimented. u tell me.
81. Favourite day(s): fri and sat. party!!!!!!
82. Bedtime: oh man. if i even sleep at all...
83.Satan or God or atheist: God is my life. one way!
*****more questions:*****8
4.do u love someone rite now: yes i do. very much.
85.do u care about someone: i do. i really do.
86.do u think of someone everyday: yes la.
87.do u dream about someone in a special way: of cuz. all the time.
88.finishing time: 1.01 a.m.
okay people..everything's been settle with T3M and all already..now quit flooding both our blogs.
as you can see, we've got a site set up for council as well (check my links), which is linked to our that of our dear critics. i've spoken to T3M and i don't think they mean any harm. i must apologise for my vulgarities; it just so happens that there was this other guy whom i slammed about some stuff he wrote in his blog a few days before this. hehs.
anyways. both sites will exist, one to critique (constructively) and the other to clarify and make amends. hope we can all learn something from one another.
think it'll provide for some amusement too.
look my dear mouseketeers. i applaud your honourable efforts (sarcasm optional) in wanting to make changes for the school; or at least get the SC to get their butts moving in doing so. but this ain't the way to do it. we're all acting like childish brats here; can't we settle for a compromise? setting up sites to slam us, slamming each other on the tag board and giving out new and improved song lyrics for our college anthem to outsiders during orientation ain't gonna help MJ in any way; do you get me? you're soiling the name of MJC and not to mention, the name of your respective alma maters.
i'm honoured (again, sarcasm optional) that you trust me after what ks has said to you. nonetheless, i must tell you that ks and i (contrary to popular belief) aren't the only councillors who want the students to have a voice; in us, no less. just because we happen to be the two loudest councillors around does not mean that we're the only ones working, you get it? i wouldn't be so arrogant as to claim that all the councillors are doing their jobs purely to fulfill their duties, but i can tell you that at least 90% of us are.
i'm going to apologise for our uncouth and childish behaviour; but this apology will only stand if you offer yours in return. i don't mind meeting you three, along with ks if need be, if you truly want to see changes. changes purely for the good of MJC. and i can assure you i'll fight fire to get these changes through. you can leave me a message (get my number from ks) if you don't want to meet. i swear on my honour that your names will be kept confidential (although most of us already have a pretty accurate idea).
oh yeah. one last thing. leave joel out of this. and all of those who commented as well.
i'll be expecting a reply within 24 hours. ciao, and have a good night.
okay. you're treading on water. very deep water.
three musketeers? more like three mouseketeers.
my last entry just got wiped out. but you know what? that ain't gonna stop me. i don't understand why people are so intent on pissing me off nowadays. i'm telling you, that ain't a wise move. joel thinks the last entry was posted cuz they know that ks and i are the only ones who would gladly neuter them. i told him not to underestimate our powers combined.
so. you're peeved cuz you think we took away the credit for the change of timetable? well, allow me to let you in on this. the school's timetable has been reconstructed as early as mid years. before your petition. believe me, i'm in no way against the idea of a petition. but hello. can you think twice about who you're petitioning against?! we did not try to claim credit for the change. the fact that khalisah told you that we had nothing to do with it substatiates my point. in fact, we told everyone we knew that we did not change it; all we did was to raise it to the relevant authorities. the orthodox way. hey, why don't you try it?
you claim that the sc hasn't done anything for the school. well, i'm sorry to disappoint you then. the fact that our works are not publicised doesn't mean that we haven't done anything. we've just walked through fire to get freaky friday and end year bash approved, did you know that? please don't act as if you know what the sc's been doing. yes, mjc is a hell hole. which school isn't, you tell me? at least i can tell you we're trying to add a bit of life in to this particular hell hole since we're gonna be stuck in it for the next year, instead of setting up sites slamming the people who do. you wanna try living the life of an sc for just one day? i can already see you crawling on your knees begging us to take over again. trust me, one day with a pissed off ms yong will get you running into the laion's den asking her to blast you instead. yeah, i love ms yong, i really do. but don't you ever try rubbing her the wrong way (i.e. proposals not being handed in on time).
you question the need for our council room. i don't see anyone questioning the odac room. okay, if we don't have a room, tell me where else would we store our blazers? and our computer with internet access. that cheeses you off, you say? well, let me open you eyes. every cca is given the equipment needed to carry out their duties; e.g. band with band instruments, odac with wood and ropes. the computer is needed for our thousands of proposals, the internet so that we can send them to the TAs as we don't have a printer. our furnishings? odac has furnishings too, don't they? rumours of our getting a pool table and what not? come on. you really think the school will grant us that? dream on; we ain't that fortunate. we don't even have air-con, when the band room does?
we know we can't please everyone. especially ball-less ingrates like you three. the thing that pisses the shit outta me is the fact that you three daren't even face us after writing all these things. the latest entry; clarification? more like you're scared of us. sanctimonious snivelling rats;i totally agree with ya joel. posting a 'clarification' to seemingly 'apologise' to ks and i. we aren't the only ones working you know. we aren't angels, how do you expect only two councillors to get so many activities done? i feel sick just watching you do it. you're more efficient than us? i'd like to see you try. so far, you've only been efficient in replying online tags. gee. that sure is hard (that's sarcasm by the way, in case you can't understand).
i'm waiting mouseketeers.
waiting to inject some sense into you.
God bless you, my uncivilised fellow MJCians. and may you feel the wrath of the 2nd SC.
p.s. to those who don't understand, go to http://down-with-the-sc.blogspot.com/ and leave them your blessings.
anyways..heh heh. things have been going pretty smoothly..with the venue for bash settled and all (whee!!!!!)..hopefully can get it thru e lai-on!! yay! all is possible in the Lord! praise the Lord! woohoo!!!
oh. and i found a site dedicated to slamming the sc. well. these bunch of bloody cowards. no wonder people retain; with people lk them spending all e their free time setting up sites to slam us. come straight to us if you have sth to say, why don't you? scared? i can't stand these cowards. bah. not worth my attention. refer to joel's blog if u want a good read.
anyways..will go off to bed now. one way! jesus! you're the only one that i could live for!